099 – Special Episode – Stories from Youth for the City
Ashleigh Rich   -  

In this special episode of the podcast, we hear stories from youth and volunteers who participated in B4 Youth’s Youth for the City Event.


Resources to Dig Deeper

You can watch the recap videos from Youth for the City on YouTube, both for High School (https://bit.ly/3BaVZia) and Jr. High (https://bit.ly/2WnSIxs)


If you would like to learn more about how you or your family can serve with some of our partner organizations, you can find info on that here: https://www.b4church.org/outreach/


If you have a High School or Jr. High student and they would like to be involved in youth ministry at B4, check out current info at https://www.b4church.org/youth/ and make sure you subscribe to our parent email on that page.


If you would like to serve with our B4 Youth teams, you can sign up to do so here: https://www.b4church.org/volunteer/ and select “B4 Youth” in your area of interest


If you have questions about our Jr. High or High School ministries or about serving, you can contact the ministry leaders, David Beavis for Jr. High (dbeavis@b4church.org) and Cassandra Dieterich at cdieterich@b4church.org


As always, if you have questions you would like answered on the podcast, please email podcasts@b4church.org