032 – 2020: A Year In Review With Pastor Brad
Pastor Brad Williams joins Alex and Ashleigh as he gives his “year in review”. Brad shares some lessons he’s learned in the last year and things that he is looking forward to in 2021.
— Recommended Reading to Dig Deeper —
The Last Dance: A 10 part documentary on the Chicago Bulls 1997 season. There are two versions available of this show, one of which is edited for language, the other is not. If you’re thinking about watching this with your family, you may want to preview it first. https://bit.ly/3isvwof
On goal setting: Living Forward by Michael Hyatt would be a great place to start, although he has multiple publications on the same topic that are tailored toward different needs that might be of interest. https://amzn.to/2KwqURw
Atomic Habits by James Clear and The Power of Habit by Charles Duhig are great resources for understanding and changing habits. https://amzn.to/2XQvgGb https://amzn.to/3injjkI
Soul Keeping by John Ortberg. We started out 2020 with a series that relied heavily on this book. Slowing down to take in what God is doing and saying is something we all need to embrace. https://t.ly/Xqs4
B4 books are available at the B4 Digital Library on Overdrive. Contact CarolAnne Tsai at ctsai@b4church.org if you need any assistance.
B4Church provides recommendations for books, podcasts, and other resources as a service to our congregation and the community at large. These resources will not always reflect B4’s theology, values, or doctrinal positions on controversial issues. The views and opinions expressed in recommended books, articles, and other resources are those of the authors or guests and do not necessarily reflect the convictions of B4Church or The FourSquare Church in general. If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact CarolAnne Tsai, Adult Ministries Resource Coordinator.