01 – “Through the Lens of Luke” (Seeing Jesus)
We all look through a variety of lenses to see things well. We sometimes even need glasses or corrective lens surgery to maintain that clarity as we age. The Bible, and specifically Luke’s Gospel, is one of our “lenses” that can help us see life clearly throughout our journey.
However, our culture has taught us to distrust many of those lenses, like the news or what our governments tell us. So, we pull the circle tighter and tighter until we only trust what we see for ourselves. But things like deep fakes teach us that we can’t even trust our own perceptions. What, then, do we do? How do we even see Jesus?
If you’d like to learn more about the Bible and how to engage it for yourself, we’d recommend The Paradigm. It’s a great Bible Project podcast featuring guests discussing the core ideas that shape the way biblical authors intended for us to read the Bible. You can check it out here: https://bibleproject.com/podcast/series/paradigm/