040 – Let’s Meet Casey Parnell
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This week, Alex and Ashleigh host B4’s new Creative Director, Casey Parnell. Casey shares about his journey with Jesus, his passion for music, and his adventures in the last year.

— Resources to Dig Deeper —
If you want to listen to more of Casey’s music: https://www.caseyparnellmusic.com, His music is available at iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon music.

He is on @caseyparnell on Instagram and Facebook

Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, an exploration of the spiritual disciplines. https://amzn.to/2Z6LxHu

B4Church provides recommendations for books, podcasts, and other resources as a service to our congregation and the community at large. These resources will not always reflect B4’s theology, values, or doctrinal positions on controversial issues. The views and opinions expressed in recommended books, articles, and other resources are those of the authors or guests and do not necessarily reflect the convictions of B4Church or The FourSquare Church in general. If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact CarolAnne Tsai, Adult Ministries Resource Coordinator.