Called to Holiness
Throughout Scripture, He calls His people to holiness: “Be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). Holiness is part of God’s renewal of all things. But sometimes the renewal of revival stalls because a church tolerates sin and worldliness. God does not pour out His Spirit on an unwilling or rebellious “vessel.” Christians who desire revival must be willing to confess their brokenness and forsake any sin that grieves the Holy Spirit. This honors God.
Holiness is not optional. Moreover, it always invites God’s presence and power. We must not compromise within the church. We must be heartbroken over sin’s damage and repent in earnest. Living in holiness apart from the prevailing culture calls us to radically obey God. If we desire true renewal, we should examine our hearts, repent of sin, and pursue a life that is fully devoted to Christ.
3/4/25 Prayer Points:
- Search our hearts, O God, and cleanse us from sin, compromise, and all worldliness.
- Purify Your church, Lord, and make us a people set apart for Your glory.
- Fill us with the “fear of the Lord” and a deep love for righteousness.